ASRock B450M Steel Legend Review

General Impressions

For this section I will refer to the video below which generally sums up my impressions of the motherboard. Over the last two years I’ve become a massive fan and proponent of ASRock motherboards, and the B450M Steel Legend continues in this tradition of delivering awesome boards for an incredibly low price.

For the US dollar price (I’m not sure what it is locally) I can’t imagine a better motherboard. In terms of bang for buck this is number one.

Vissually this board will not stand out much, but I do appreciate the little RGB support (with addressable LED support) and lighting. It isn’t overdone and of course can be easily turned off. The M.2 sockets have no covers, but I personally prefer this so one can use a variety of heatsinks if needed at all.

You are here: Page 4 – General Impressions