Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV is one of the nicest looking games available at the moment and a popular benchmark due to it being available as a free stand-alone download. The default test was run, which is 1920×1080 windowed at standard quality. The benchmark provides a score which can be used to see how well the game would run on your computer.

AC Power

final fantasy xv ac

On AC power the GIGABYTE AERO 15 CLASSIC-XA spits out a score of 7,026 points, which translates to “High.” This means that you can expect the game to run comfortably. It should run smoothly, even at higher graphics quality settings.

Battery Power

final fantasy xv battery

You can expect a significantly lower score on battery power, with a result of 4,678 which is considered “Fairly High.” A standard level of performance can be expected. That said, adjustments to the graphics settings are recommended if possible for the best experience.

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