XFX RX 5600 XT THICC III Ultra Review

PCB & Cooling

I suspect this card uses the same PWM controller as the Thicc III, in which case it would be the OnSemi NCP81022 Dual Output 4+1 phase digital controller. This controller drives OnSemi NCP303045 integrated driver and mosfets. The controller is on the back of the card so it isn’t shown here in the image above.

Micron 9QA77 D9WCW GDDR6 IC

<span”>Memory is courtesy of Micron 9QA77 D9WCW GDDR6 ICs. These are apparently rated for 14Gbps as they feature on several RX 5700 graphics cards. For some reason however, the XFX/AMD performance update BIOS left the memory at the original 12Gbps operating frequency. So this could very well be 14Gbps capable IC’s but do not quote me on that as all one has to go on are the markings. Perhaps the specific Vddq (1.2, 1.25 and 1.35v)  rating of the IC determine if these operate at 12, 14 or 16Gbps respectively.

XFX RX 5600 XT Thicc iii four heatpipe heat sink

The heatsink is essentially four heatpipes running through a stack of fins which along the length of the PCB cool other components as well. These include the DRAM IC’s and the mosfets. The plate which makes direct contact with the GPU seems to to have some thermal compound between it’s surface and the heatpipes. A more direct solution would potentially yield even lower temperatures.

One of the changes or advances for the Thicc III is the addition of another 6-pin PCIe power socket. Which in theory allows the card to draw even more power, but in practical terms more academic. This is especially since there’s little to no overclocking to speak of because of driver imposed limitations.

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